Ensures its group’s retail stability


Ensures its group’s retail stability.

The Tendam Global Retail Group was founded in 1880 and has since expanded to include the Cortefiel, Fifty, Springfield, Pedro del Hierro and Women’secret fashion brands.

The Spanish retail giant now has around 2,000 shops (almost 1,300 of them directly operated) and over 10,000 employees in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa. With brick-and-mortar retail shops feeling the squeeze from growing online marketplaces, it was essential for the group to make sure their Point-of-Sale (PoS) infrastructure, powered by Microsoft Dynamics, could keep up with customer demand.

An upgraded managed service to ensure retail success

With over 3,000 PoS terminals, Tendam Global Retail Group’s five brands were in need of an IT infrastructure refresh. With holiday sales and promotions helping them to achieve over 1 billion euros in yearly revenue, there was limited downtime available to resolve system faults and increase to the correct performance peaks. When the PoS failed to keep up with the very high workload requests, not only was the customer experience impacted by increased lines in front of the tills, but their revenue and reputation were also at risk. Managing and maintaining the technical side of the PoS systems required the direct involvement of dedicated infrastructure expertise and hosting services from Intwo to future-proof all PoS systems across Europe.

Intwo partnership improves efficiency, customer experience and revenue

By outsourcing the mundane and repetitive tasks to a hosting provider that specializes in Microsoft Dynamics infrastructure, Tendam no longer have to worry about their PoS systems being unable to handle the numbers, promotions, discounts, returns, and inventory.
Tendam can now focus on running their retail business and ensure customers have the best in-store shopping experience possible with all of their unique brands.

The Intwo difference

One of the main benefits Tendam recognized was offloading expert PoS IT infrastructure tasks to a managed services provider. This provides Tendam with the ability to free up its own IT resources to work on ideas that accelerate its business and digital transformation. By taking over the monitoring and servicing of the PoS systems, they are able to focus on the customer experience and continue building their brands.

Simply having a PoS application is just the first step. To truly benefit from the software, you have to be able to analyze it and optimize it. Because of Intwo’s experience working with Dynamics and large organizations with large installations, we are able to make the Dynamics experience that much more seamless. Intwo connects technical knowledge of Microsoft to the needs of the business and ultimately of the customer. With 24/7 support, multiple IT infrastructure engineers and complete back up of all services, we are able to promise and deliver the Intwo difference to the Tendam Global Retail Group.



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